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Writer's pictureEbiere Bolu

Am I an Emotionally Immature Parent?

new parents sit on a sofa with their newborn baby

Ouch! Sounds harsh but it is a question I had to sit and reflect on. 

An important question because the impact for our children of being raised by emotionally immature parents are far-reaching for a child!

These include: Low self-esteem, Anxiety, Difficulties in regulating emotions, in forming healthy relationships, and in coping with stress.

In adulthood, these effects can manifest in challenges with intimacy, communication, and overall well-being.

So I invite you, in the privacy of your space, to read through the signs to see if you display these qualities of emotional immaturity as a parent:

1. Difficulty in Managing Emotions: You often lose your temper or withdraw emotionally when things don't go as planned, leaving your child feeling confused and unsettled.

2. Lack of Empathy: When your child expresses sadness or frustration, you dismiss their feelings with comments like "Stop overreacting" or "You're being too sensitive," instead of offering comfort and understanding.

3. Self-Centeredness: You frequently prioritise your own needs and desires over your child's, expecting them to accommodate your schedule or preferences without considering their own wants or feelings.

4. Inconsistent Boundaries: You have difficulty setting and maintaining consistent boundaries with your child, swinging between being overly permissive and overly strict, leading to confusion and resentment.

5. Avoidance of Emotional Conversations: When your child tries to talk to you about their feelings or concerns, you change the subject or brush them off, unwilling to engage in conversations that require emotional vulnerability or depth.

6. Difficulty in Taking Responsibility: Instead of acknowledging when you've made a mistake, you blame your child or external factors, refusing to accept accountability for your actions and their impact on your child.

7. Inability to Apologise or Make Amends: You find it hard to apologise when you've hurt or upset your child, preferring to avoid confronting the issue altogether.

8. Patterns of Control or Manipulation: You use guilt-tripping, threats, or bribery to coerce your child into compliance, rather than encouraging autonomy and cooperation through respectful communication and negotiation.

Now did you recognise any of these signs in your parent(s)?

Remember, acknowledging areas for growth is the first step towards positive change and creating a nurturing and supportive environment for your child.

Steps to Emotional Intelligence 

4. Emotional Maturity

Recognising and Acknowledging our level of emotional immaturity is the first step. Next with intentionality and support you can start to develop your emotional maturity. 

It is only to the extent that we are emotionally mature that we can help our children become emotionally aware, self-regulate and develop emotional resilience.

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